Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Basics Of Nutrition

The basics of nutrition are very simple. Eat what your body can benefit from. Processed or refined foods cannot be broken down properly and therefore lead to fermented toxins in the colon and small intestine. These toxins can get into the bloodstream and can lead to an wide spectrum of diseases both in and out of the colon. The liver tries to filter out these toxins but it eventually get too overloaded to function properly and your health begins to decline.

People should stay away from dairy, wheat and processed or refined sugars. Dairy causes mucus in the intestines resulting bacteria growth. Wheat forms a layer of thick black mucus, called mucoid plaque, in the colon that can lead to irritable bowel syndrome, Celiac’s and Chrone’s Disease. Also many people have wheat, or gluten, allergies that can cause bloody diarrhea. And sugar suppresses the immune system because it forms a coating around our red blood cells which locks out insulin. If insulin cannot penetrate the lining and nourish the cells the pancreas pumps out 40 times the normal amount because it thinks it hasn’t produced enough. When cells cannot get nourished with insulin they become weak and our immune system thinks they are foreign matter and tries to fight them off. This compromises our immune system allowing for other potential diseases or viruses to enter our bodies. Our pancreas eventually gets so taxed it cannot produce any more insulin. If we have too much or not enough insulin this can result in the two forms of diabetes commonly referred to as Type I or Type II diabetes.

Coffee is another substance that should be reduced or completely avoided. The coffee itself, with or without caffeine, causes an acid condition that leads to your kidneys robbing your bones of calcium to alkalize your blood. This results in osteoporosis. Caffeine damages the central nervous system and raises blood pressure. Replacements for this beverage can be coffee flavored beverages made with barley and other grains or herbal green, white, red, oolong or black teas. The different types of teas just signify when they are harvested. White tea is the most expensive and most rare because there is only a small 2-3 week opportunity to harvest the leaves. Decaffeinated is preferred but not a must because there is 1/4 the amount of caffeine in tea then coffee

Exercise daily is a must. Heart rates should be elevated for no less then 30 minutes daily. A full 60 minute workout is best when combining cardio, muscle training and stretching. If you don’t have 30 minutes everyday, a full 1-2 hour workout every other day may be more suitable for your lifestyle. Herbal supplements, not synthetic, are also of benefit if your diet is less than adequate. What we can’t get from our foods can be supplemented from a good quality source. Buying organic fruits and vegetables will greatly increase your vitamin and mineral intake thus reducing the need for supplementation. Everyone is different so consult a Kinesiologist (me) or Natural Health Consultant (also me) to test you on which supplements and what quantities fit your specific needs.


Anonymous said...

Something you may be interested in looking into is wheat, which is bad as it is today, but if used properly is very healthy/beneficial. If you grind your own wheat and soak it over night before making bread it is made WAY more digestable. I'm sure there's info somewhere online, but there's also a book by Sally Fallon called "Nourishing Traditions" with a store of information on this, as well as soaking nuts, which again, makes them more nutritious and digestable, by reducing the acid.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely I agree 100%. I know of a specific brand of sprouted wheat bread in the States called 'Ezekiel' bread. It's a bit dry but helps with digestive disorders. I will do some research on soaking wheat to make breads. If I find any recipes I will be sure to post it on here. Thanks for your input, I appreciate it.:)